Flowers For A Successful Marriage-Not Divorce
With spring in the air, flowers are beginning to blossom. Flowers remind us of weddings.
Weddings become a challenge for a successful marriage. We can use floral arrays to remind us of the characteristics of a marriage that will last into eternity or one that will last until the death of a spouse.
It has been said that marriages are made in heaven, but they must be worked out on earth. A successful marriage is one that is permanent, one that is based upon love and unity. Success can be found by following principles of the Bible. A Christian marriage is one between a man and woman. Married couples are not perfect, however, role models can be found among friends, relatives and church groups.
A white rose reminds couples of the purity of unconditional love. Strive to make your spouse your best friend; one to whom you can tell anything. Never keep secrets that may affect the relationship. When thorns begin to grow among your rose of love, recall what brought you together in the beginning of your relationship. Remember the things that made you cherish your partner. Talk about those things that made you value each other. Water your rose of love with tender actions and words of kindness; say, "I love you" and mean it. Remember love covers a multitude of mistakes. Watch your marriage blossom with newness of love.
Many grooms choose to wear the lily of the valley in their lapels during the wedding ceremony. The lily of the valley flower reminds us of maturity and wisdom that is needed in marriage. Age has nothing to do with maturity and wisdom; rather it is the judgment that you use in making decisions or in a crisis. Money management is one of the biggest conflicts in a marriage. Plan to establish a joint bank account, not his bank account and her bank account, but joint with both names using the and/or symbols so both can use the account. Keep a record of expenditures and all credit card charges at the time of purchase. Consider any debit, credit or checks as already spent. Save your receipts and record expenditures daily. Pay credit card bills as they come due each month so interest will not accumulate. Make a budget of planned expenses like rent, car payments, loans, etc. Document the amount of money that you have to spend on each; make a wish list of items you want to purchase and save toward that goal. Pay cash for as many things as possible. Wear wisdom and maturity like you would a lily of the valley flower.
When you took your wedding vows, the bride may have carried a pink carnation in her bridal bouquet. A pink carnation represents commitment. When you said your vows of matrimony, you where making a commitment to remain together and be faithful for a lifetime. Many things can interfere with commitment in a marriage. Changing family status-having children or in-laws-job changes or the desire to reach new dreams can challenge wedding promises. Couples should seek solutions when conflicts occur. Talk to one another about the problems in open communication. Not only talk with one another but with your Lord God. Search ways that other people have solved their problems. Look again at the commitment that you made and say: I will never leave you or forsake you even though times are hard right now. Couples who pluck solutions based upon permanent commitment will come closer together. Let the flower of success bloom amid struggles in your marriage like the pink carnation among a garden of weeds.
It has been said, "Bless be the tie that binds our hearts in fellowship and love". As couples tie their marriages together with attributes that lead to success, they often find that they are happier. Look for the flowers of love and commitment. Tie them together with maturity and wisdom. Stand back and let society awe at your marriage that blooms with success. Be patient, it takes a lifetime to grow and nurture a marriage of complete success.
Although flowers do not last forever, marriages can last into eternity. Take the success challenge and not let you marriage wilt and die like flowers that are not watered and nurtured. Do not let it end in divorce!
Labels: commitment, divorce, flowers, Love, marriage, money management, vows, weddings